Intro to HTML

The backbones of the web

What is HTML?

HTML is a language for describing web pages. The web browser will read this language and know how to display the page correctly. Every website on the web has an HTML structure.

What does HTML stand for?

H or hyper = Clickable/Linkable

T or text = Plain text

M or markup = Tags that categorize content

L or language = The markup is used to communicate with the web browser



Here you can test out what you read, and achieve badges.

Activity Instructions

Inside the window below is an example of a basic HTML document. Play around with this interface.

  1. Notice the window labeled "HTML" and "CSS." You can see some basic HTML code has already been placed in the "HTML" window. Any of the text in these two windows can be changed.
  2. Look at the large window labeled "Output," this is the preview window. It will display the HTML/CSS information that was inserted into the HTML/CSS windows. As soon as changes are made to the HTML/CSS windows it will be reflected in the Output window.

Play with the code:

  1. Change the text "This is a paragraph" between <p> and </p>  to "My first paragraph".
  2. Look at the preview window to see what happened. Anything you change inside the "HTML" window (HTML code) will update the preview window.
  3. Now press the "Validate" button.
  4. If you didn't change the text to "My first paragraph" you will get the error: Oops, try again. expected p to contain \"My first paragraph\"
  5. Fix the text if necessary and press the "Validate" button again.



